How to Draw Hearts With a Ribbon Easy
Improve Your Drawing Skills with Printable Practice Sheets!
Learn how to draw a great looking Heart with Ribbon with easy, step-by-step drawing instructions, and video tutorial. You can now easily create a beautiful Heart with Ribbon drawing.
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Would you like to learn how to draw a heart with a ribbon? We can show you how! Trust this easy, step-by-step drawing guide.
Then, you can use your heart banner to write a message to someone you love.
Sometimes, heart designs like this one are used as tattoos. According to Inked magazine, "The traditional mom-heart tattoo has been inked on thousands of sons and daughters over the course of history — remaining one of the most iconic tattoo designs."
Scroll down for a downloadable PDF of this tutorial.
Legend has it that "The mom-heart tattoo was first worn by an Irish sailor, in memory of the folk song entitled 'Kissed Me Darling Mother.'"
What will your heart's ribbon say? "I Love You," "Mom," or something else?
If you liked this tutorial, see also the following drawing guides: Broken Heart, Rose and Heart, and I Love You Heart.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Drawing a Heart with Ribbon
How to Draw a Great Looking Heart with Ribbon for Kids, Beginners, and Adults - Step 1
1. Begin the heart with a ribbon outline by drawing one side of the heart. Use a long curved line to draw the first side.
Easy Heart with Ribbon Drawing - Step 2
2. Draw the opposite side of the heart, again using a long curved line.
Easy Heart with Ribbon Drawing - Step 3
3. Draw a long curved line across the middle and top of the heart. It should extend beyond each side of the heart, turning upward on one side and downward on the other.
Easy Heart with Ribbon Drawing - Step 4
4. Draw another long, loosely "S" shaped line parallel to the first, crossing the middle of the heart lower down. Then, erase the sides of the heart between these two sections of the ribbon or banner.
Easy Heart with Ribbon Drawing - Step 5
5. Continue drawing the ribbon. Extend a long curved line from the bottom of the ribbon and connect it to the lobe of the heart, encompassing the top line of the ribbon in the process.
Then draw a loose "S" shaped line extending from the lobe of the heart to continue the banner behind it.
Easy Heart with Ribbon Drawing - Step 6
6. Continue drawing the side of the banner. Use a series of curved lines that meet at jagged points.
Easy Heart with Ribbon Drawing - Step 7
7. Finish drawing the first end of the ribbon. Connect the loose end to the top of the curl of the ribbon. You can see that the ribbon is cut in a split manner. Then, extend the line of the ribbon to the opposite side.
Add More Details to Your Heart with Ribbon Picture - Step 8
8. Continue drawing the end of the ribbon using a pair of curved lines.
Complete the Outline of Your Heart with Ribbon Drawing - Step 9
9. Complete the heart with ribbon outline by drawing the end of the ribbon using curved lines that meet at sharp points.
Color Your Heart with Ribbon Drawing
Color your cartoon of a heart with a banner. We've shaded our heart red and the banner light blue. This ribbon provides the perfect space for writing a message to someone you love.
How will you customize this heart with a ribbon?
For more great Heart drawing tutorials, see the 36 Easy Heart Drawing Tutorials post.
Click HERE to save the tutorial to Pinterest!
Heart with Ribbon Drawing Tutorial - Easy & Fun Printable Pages
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